Rising Tide was originally created to fulfill the design specifications of taking inspiration from another artist, Richard Pousette Dart, and using original methods and designs. This design was an assignment that allowed for exploration of another artist’s work while simultaneously allowing for personal discovery and technique refinement.
This piece uses texture, emphasis, harmony and repetition to create an interesting and captivating design. Physically having depth and softness on the majority of this piece takes the audience's eyes as it allows for questioning, wonder and the details as color is used to create both harmony and emphasis. Different designs can be seen clearly and fully as well as tying together the different materials; From using white wool in the neckline to the use of deep rose wool throughout the piece. The repetition of the rising colors and sweeping designs on both the front and back of this piece allows for a sense of harmony and wholeness. These elements allow for increased visual interest and challenge the onlooker to think deeper and wonder about the rising of their spirits alongside the tide.